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This Woman’s Life Was Saved After A Man Used CPR Knowledge Gained From TV Series “The Office”

Inspiring April, 26, 2024

If watching TV series is an integral part of your daily routine, then “The Office” is one series which would have been a part of your “binge-watch” list. There is no use denying the existence of “binge-watch” list in your life! It is a survival tool for our generation.

Coming back to the relevance of TV series here, particularly of The Office. In a specific two-part episode of this show that featured a fire drill at their workplace (the office, of course!) leading to Stanley (you know who Stanley is, right?) getting a heart attack.

The events that followed in the episode proved to be educational without even intending to be so! Stanley did recover from that scare but it was decided that all the employees must undergo a CPR training so that they are able to systematically deal with any such situations in the future. The whole scene revolved around CPR training given by a special instructor.

The training sequence was entertaining and that is the one reason why the aspects of CPR shown in it were easy to grasp and understand.

A part where Michael had to do the chest compressions on the dummy, he was wrong with the speed by which they had to be performed. He needed to slow down and so, the instructor stepped in and told him to follow a beat and the song she was talking about is “Stayin’ Alive” by The Bee Gees. Yes, that works! You’ll know why we are so sure about this.

Cross Scott, a mechanic in Arizona encountered a serious situation while he was in a customer’s car checking it for any issues. He noticed a sedan slowly moving forward on the road and got worried as the car’s hazard lights were on. He looked closely inside the car and his eyes could see a woman leaning over the steering wheel. He immediately knew that something was wrong!

He was quick to respond and the first thing he did was to stop the car by putting a rock under the wheel. After that, he used a stone to break the window of the car so that he could reach the woman and help her.

Even though Scott had no training in this field, he was a fan of The Office and had watched the episode we just mentioned. He remembered the CPR training and did exactly the same to that woman and of course, the beat of the song “Stayin’ Alive” was used for keeping appropriate time interval between the chest compressions.

The medical emergency was called later on and the woman was admitted to the hospital where she revived. But the story could have been entirely different if Scott did not use his knowledge of CPR at that time of need. We are thankful to him and to that episode of The Office which helped save a precious life!

He is being appreciated by all for his quick response to a situation which demanded urgent and correct action. That woman expressed her thanks to Scott after gaining back her strength that she lost in a life-threatening experience.

We wish TV series are a blend of entertainment and education in the future. This way we would not regret our time spent on the couch watching shows for a few hours!

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