How to Spot an Energy Vampire in Your Workplace

Level Up By Alexandra / December, 26, 2023

Have you ever talked to someone at work and then felt tired and drained afterward? If so you might have met what some people call an "energy vampire." This isn't a real vampire of course or a medical term but it's a fun way to describe someone who seems to suck all the positivity and energy out of a conversation. It's like they take all the good vibes and leave you feeling exhausted.

Recently the Huffington Post had an article where experts talked about these energy vampires. They shared how to spot one and what to do about it. It's really useful because let's face it we all want to feel good and stay positive at work. The article gave tips on setting boundaries which is like drawing an invisible line to protect your energy. It's about knowing when to say "enough" and taking steps to look after yourself.

So if you ever find yourself feeling wiped out after talking to a certain co-worker remember you're not alone. And there are ways to deal with it. It's all about taking care of your energy so you can stay happy and effective at work. Just imagine being able to chat with everyone and still feel energized and ready to go. That's the goal and it's possible!

Who is an Energy Vampire?

Have you ever met someone who just seems to drain all your energy? They're often called "energy vampires" and they can be pretty exhausting to be around. These energy vampires come in different forms. Maybe it's a colleague who always asks too many personal questions making you feel uncomfortable. Or it could be someone who loves to tell never-ending stories that don't seem to go anywhere. You know the type – you're glancing at the clock but they just keep talking!

What these energy vampires do is they somehow manage to make you feel really tired and drained both in your body and your mind. After spending time with them you might feel sluggish or just not like yourself. You might even start to dread seeing them because you know how you'll feel afterward.

It's important to recognize when someone is an energy vampire in your life. That way you can figure out how to deal with them like setting boundaries or limiting the time you spend with them. Remember it's okay to take care of yourself and your energy!

Ryan Howe a California-based clinical psychologist said that energy vampires are not officially diagnosed and there are no specific treatment approaches for them. They are however people who have been encountered professionally and personally by most of us.

Signs You Are Dealing with an Energy Vampire

Clinicians explain that individuals who regularly engage with energy vampires tend to feel a sense of depletion and disconnection after the interaction. Energy vampires' manner of speech and the topics they cover is one way of identifying them. They could be individuals who have a negative approach to life and always seem to have a horrible day trying to drag others down with them.

Have you ever tried to help someone with their problems only to find they don't want solutions? That's a big sign you're dealing with an energy vampire at work. You might offer them all sorts of ideas and advice but they just shoot them down. It's like they enjoy staying stuck in their problems. At the same time they'll talk your ear off about their issues not even thinking about how it's affecting you. It's all take take take with no give.

Trying to build a real two-way relationship with these folks can feel impossible. They might even be in a position at work where they feel they can get away with this behavior using their status to keep you listening to them instead of focusing on your job. It's frustrating right? You're there to work not to be someone's personal sounding board all day. 

Setting Boundaries with Energy Vampires

Dealing with an energy vampire at work can be challenging but don't worry there are ways to handle it. First it helps to understand why they might be acting this way. Often energy vampires or EVs as some call them are people who have gone through tough times in their lives. 

These experiences can leave them feeling like they constantly need attention and approval from others. Ryan Howe an expert on the topic points out that if these people were feeling emotionally strong and had high self-esteem they probably wouldn't need to seek so much attention in ways that can be draining for those around them.

One of the best things you can do is to be kind and patient with them. This doesn't mean you have to spend all your time listening to their stories or answering their questions. But treating them with understanding and compassion can sometimes make your interactions more positive. 

It's like when someone smiles at you and you can't help but smile back. Sometimes a little kindness can go a long way in changing the energy around you even with an energy vampire. 

Dealing with an energy vampire at work doesn't mean you're stuck listening to them all day. You can set boundaries in a friendly way. For example if they start a long off-topic conversation try gently steering it back to work-related stuff. Or you can agree to chat but only for a short time. Say something like "I've got five minutes to catch up before I need to get back to this project." This way you're being nice but also clear about your limits.

Sometimes though they might not get the hint and that's when you need to be a bit more direct. It's okay to say "I need to focus on my work right now but let's talk later." Remember it's important to be polite but firm. Setting these boundaries helps you stay focused and keeps your energy levels up. 

In conclusion energy vampires can be some of the most challenging individuals to deal with in the workplace. However understanding their patterns of behavior and setting boundaries will provide employees with a sense of control over their time and energy in turn leading to better teamwork productivity and a healthy environment.