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This Woman Adopted 35 Kids And Proved That Every Child Deserves A Family

Inspiring July, 27, 2024

In spite of having 2 biological children, Christie Jameson as well as her husband Alva wanted to have a bigger family and decided to grow it. Therefore, they began to adopt children 30 years ago.

In a world, where so many children get abandoned by their parents owing to different reasons, people like Christie Jameson and husband Alva are the perfect examples that you need not be biologically attached to raise children or be parents to someone.

To one’s notice, Christie Jameson is a mother to 35 children, out of which 26 children are having special needs. So, does this bring about any change or differentiation in Christie’s behavior towards them? Absolutely not. According to Christie, she always felt that there is room for one more.

Residing in Utah, Christie Jameson is no superhero but definitely a blessing for all those who have her as an epitome of love and selflessness.

Although Christie’s husband Alva left for his heavenly abode owing to cancer back in 2009, irrespective of her age, she continues to be around her 11 children, out of which 6 have been diagnosed with serious heart ailments. Christie also quoted that they did not go out in search of a family as they were approached once the word spread that they would adopt the kids who were not wanted by anyone else.

As per the statistical information, as many as 400,000 children become a part of foster care but only 1/8th of them end up being adopted by families. The scenario is even bleaker when it comes to children with disabilities.

Christie feels that each and every child deserves a permanent family of his/her own. Becoming a family to so many was Christie Jameson’s call and she is no less than a super mom in the lives of all her children.

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