It is Amusing How a Treatment can Change the Entire Look of a Person

Lifestyle By Hannah / March, 07, 2025

Matthew, a 32-year-old man's, appearance completely changed after he underwent a hair transplant- and people felt that he seemed about 20 years younger. His friends used to say that he looked like he was in his late forties, but after his treatment, it was as if he had just left school.  

After being constantly made fun of his balding head by his friends and his family, he was fed up and decided to get a transplant from a hair company named Novo Cabelo. He then paid a visit to Ottoman Traditional Turkish Barber in Richmond, Yorkshire, where a TikTok video was made of the transformation, which was uploaded on their handle @novocabelohair.

Now Matthew was being praised for his new hair all the time, with many saying that he was looking like a young boy in his 20s. In the TikTok video, the stylist from Novo Cabelo measured the spot on his head that would be covered by the new hair system, and drew directly onto the material. The scalp was then taken care of with special treatment and the glue was applied all over before the hair system was pressed down onto his scalp.

Next, the hair was cut and styled so that it looked similar to his natural hair and the results were unbelievable. Rob, from Nova Cabelo, told in an interview that Matthew was tired of his friends and family telling him to just shave off his head. He was not okay with being bald, so he discovered their page on TikTok and booked an appointment.

The reaction was so positive. People were commenting how much younger he looked. Rob said that his client was now more confident than before and just loved the feeling of having healthy hair again. He was very happy getting compliments of him looking youthful. He gave the credits to the new head of hair stuck on his scalp.

The video had been liked hundreds of times and people in the comments section were singing the praises of the handiwork. One user wrote that they could see a big difference in how Mathew was looking. The change deducted 20 years from his original age. Someone else said that they were motivated after seeing Matthew’s video to try that treatment and another simply commented that he was amazing.

A fourth user commented that baldness really got some guys down. One could never predict that he was wearing a hair system. He also applauded the salon for such brilliant work. Someone else agreed and said that late forties first then looked like he just left full-time education.

Most hair loss was a normal and natural part of getting older but some people might find it deeply distressing. According to the NHS, your GP should be able to tell you what's causing your hair loss and what treatments are available.