If You Want to Grow, You Need to Start Taking Risks

Brain Food By Alice / January, 23, 2025

From a very early stage in our lives, we are taught how important it is for us to take risks. We all have learned that we need to step outside our comfort zone if we want to grow, but have we actually implemented it in our lives? Taking risk involves giving up the fear of embarrassment and failure.

Success doesn’t come in one attempt; you need to keep pushing yourself towards your goal to attain excellence. If you really want to achieve something, you have stop looking at failures as an end and rather consider them as stepping stones towards your goal. Whenever you make a mistake, you fall and fail but you also learn. If you really want to grow, you will also have to stop comparing yourself with others.

The person you’re comparing yourself to might be better than you, but you don’t know how much time and failures it took them to become what or who they are. Even if you’ve been on the same road for the same amount of time, it doesn’t matter because time doesn’t move the same for everyone. You should never determine your failures or successes on the basis of how fast and how much someone else is achieving in the same time span. Sure, you can be inspired by them, but you cannot judge your success based on their achievements.

You will not grow until you decide to take risks and stop playing it safe. If you keep telling yourself that you can’t afford to take risks in your life right now, just think that if you were really content in your life, why would you even think about taking risks? If you see a better future and a happier life whenever you think about taking that chance, don’t you believe that that menace is worth going through?

If you really are happy and comfortable in your life, sit back and enjoy it, don’t let even a single moment go wasted. Be grateful for whatever you have. Appreciate all that you’ve got and take nothing for granted. But if there’s even a small part of you that isn’t convinced or content with the life that you have, you might want to consider taking a chance for the one that you actually want to build for yourself. Undoubtedly, taking the first step towards a new journey is the scariest part, but once you decide to start on that path, you keep gaining courage and determination along the way.

If you keep yourself from taking risks or from pursuing what you want, you will have regrets in your life. You will be very dissatisfied with yourself in the long run. You will keep wondering what would’ve happened had you took that chance. You might keep asking yourself if you made a mistake by not stepping out of your comfort zone when you were required to.

On the other hand, if you take risks, you eliminate that uncertainty. Even if things don’t work out the way you wanted them to, you’d be content in the end because you’d know that at least you tried. You won’t have to ponder over what possibly could’ve happened had you took that chance.

As enticing and easy as it is to say no to the things that you’re fearful of, you wouldn’t be able to grow until you take a risk. You will never learn your full potential until you take the chance that you’re required to undertake. To prepare yourself for doing so, you will have to start by believing in yourself and your capabilities.