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Life Lessons From The People At The Center Of Condemnation

Brain Food April, 25, 2024

Love and hate go hand in hand in one’s life. Our love for one set signals our hate for the other. It may be some traits, people or their emotions. Generally, people around us try to be as generous as they can. But time exposes them in their true colors and we try to take a side. Not all of them stand at the same level for us. We may hate some but do not care about them. Their actions, approach and talks concern us the least and we try to avoid them by ebbing out the chances of interaction.

On the other hand, there exist some people in that pool that makes us go out of our wits. Their sight provokes the craziness inside us and we end up losing our nerves. We cannot just let things go without afflicting our souls. Their words and actions pierce through our heart and mind. They rob us of our mental peace and comfort. The affliction nudges us to take the path of condemnation. We try to pour out our frustration and hate by condemning their acts in every possible way. Not just that, we do not let a moment slip without using it up for that purpose

That frustration unveils the real side of the scenario. We ignore the golden facet of the presence of these people in our life. Also, we put down the fact that human beings hate traits the most that they do not like about themselves.

You may hate them because they may be thriving in you in some way. Thus, these people are not the epitomes of imperfections. But they are reflecting the ones that lace your life and behavior in some parts.

For instance, if you hate a lazy lad, then it does not mean that you are not lazy in any way. You may end up being lazy under various circumstances. After all, we are all human beings! Thus, these people hold a more important place in your life than just being a trigger of your craziness. You need to broaden up your horizon to grab these golden strands.

Before lashing at something or somebody, try to connect that to your inner self. Work out the ways that make you lose your wits after catching their sight. After going through the dose of introspection, you would be able to grab their real worth. These people are the ones that set the process to make your soul stronger. They may toss up some lessons of life for you that can transform you into a better being. Not just that, they are the pills that can empower you to cut out the worse thriving in you.

Hence, locking these people out of your life is not a suitable way out. Just relax and observe their actions and the circumstances they end up grabbing with their approach. You can extract the best by making them the stepping stones for your better and blissful life.

Let them bring out some life lessons for your questing and ailing soul.

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